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Radar Detector and Laser Jammer Test | Guys of Lidar

On March 9th through 11th, I sponsored the "Guys of Lidar" radar detector and laser jammer test held in Wickenburg Arizona.

Radar Detector Shootout
Present during this three day event were radar detector enthusiasts from the "Guys of Lidar," industry representatives from Beltronics, Cheetah, Laser Interceptor, and two off duty police officers.

The two off duty police officers were either consulted by the present members for their input on the testing mythology and/or actively participated in the tests.

The "Guys of Lidar" testing methodology involves setting up "worst case scenarios," to test the effectiveness of speed counter measure equipment in "ambush" type conditions that law enforcement could use to catch an unsuspecting driver. The tests performed that day include:

  • Worst Case Scenario Radar Detector Test
  • Forward Facing Radar Detector Test
  • POP Radar Detector Test
  • Spectre III Radar Detector Test
  • Laser Jammer Testing
  • Worst Case Scenario Laser Jammer Test
  • Thanks to the GoL Team!

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Worst Case Scenario Radar Detector Test

Worst Case Radar Detector Test
The "Guys of Lidar's" first "worst case" testing scenario was placing a car in a wash that had an approximately twenty foot dip in the roadway, from the approach, which also curved to the west.

Each of the police radar guns were mounted on a dash-mounted platform, maintaining the same position for each gun tested. In several of the tests, the police radar gun was off axis from the center of the approaching roadway, where the first visual contact could be made (red arrow) with the approaching car, to obtain a visual tracking history in a "real police encounter."

Several of the "same make and model" radar detectors were used in this exercise, to account for any deviance.

Each radar detector had three passes at each gun and the following is an average of these three passes.

Additional Notes: The Escort SR7 is a remote mounted radar detector, and in a normal manufacturer recommended installation the radar antenna would had been mounted behind the grill of car and therefore lower to the ground. However, in this test the SR7 antenna was also windshield mounted.

Ka Band 35.5 - Kustom Gloden Eagle
Detector Feet

Bel RX65 832

Bel RX55 698

Bel STi Driver #1 922

Bel STi Driver #2 925

Bel V955 779

Cobra XRS-9830 775

Escort 8500 #1 833

Escort 8500 #2 946

Escort 9500 #1 896

Escort 9500 #2 894

Escort SR7 1061

KAT 500 617

Valentine 1 #1 1041

Valentine 1 #2 1011

Valentine 1 #3 1015

Whistler Pro 73 632

Whistler Pro 78 747

Whistler XTR-690 753

Ka Band 34.7 - Stalker ATR
Detector Feet

Bel RX65 1221

Bel RX55 896

Bel STi Driver #1 1256

Bel STi Driver #2 1169

Bel V955 1162

Cobra XRS-9830 881

Escort 8500 #1 1209

Escort 8500 #2 1194

Escort 9500 #1 1044

Escort 9500 #2 1090

Escort SR7 1226

KAT 500 776

Valentine 1 #1 1106

Valentine 1 #2 1166

Valentine 1 #3 1105

Whistler Pro 73 720

Whistler Pro 78 1027

Whistler XTR-690 1040

Ka Band 33.8 - MPH Enforcer
Detector Feet

Bel RX65 715

Bel RX55 774

Bel STi Driver #1 717

Bel STi Driver #2 404

Bel V955 963

Cobra XRS-9830 816

Escort 8500 #1 986

Escort 8500 #2 841

Escort 9500 #1 1064

Escort 9500 #2 1119

Escort SR7 950

KAT 500 713

Valentine 1 #1 1144

Valentine 1 #2 1109

Valentine 1 #3 1070

Whistler Pro 73 675

Whistler Pro 78 779

Whistler XTR-690 910

K Band - Decatur GHS
Detector Feet

Bel RX65 879

Bel RX55 748

Bel STi Driver #1 909

Bel STi Driver #2 898

Bel V955 957

Cobra XRS-9830 700

Escort 8500 #1 830

Escort 8500 #2 938

Escort 9500 #1 840

Escort 9500 #2 802

Escort SR7 850

KAT 500 667

Valentine 1 #1 1004

Valentine 1 #2 1063

Valentine 1 #3 991

Whistler Pro 73 836

Whistler Pro 78 709

Whistler XTR-690 737

X Band - MPH K-15
Detector Feet

Bel RX65 1204

Bel RX55 (not tested)

Bel STi Driver #1 1291

Bel STi Driver #2 1327

Bel V955 1199

Cobra XRS-9830 726

Escort 8500 #1 1156

Escort 8500 #2 1257

Escort 9500 #1 1225

Escort 9500 #2 1254

Escort SR7 1021

KAT 500 1075

Valentine 1 #1 1403

Valentine 1 #2 1648

Valentine 1 #3 1427

Whistler Pro 73 1278

Whistler Pro 78 1081

Whistler XTR-690 1070

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Forward Facing Radar Detector TestForward Facing Radar Detector Test

The Forward Facing test "Worst Case Scenario" test was set up to simulate an officer parked on a highway on-ramp, facing away from oncoming traffic, shooting cars from the rear.

Three runs were performed during this test and the following results were averaged.

Ka Band 35.5 Ghz Kustom Golden Eagle
Detector Feet at Point of Alert

Bel RX65 394

Bel STi Driver 546

Escort 8500 X50 445

Escort 9500i 552

Escort SR7 377

Whistler Pro 78 245

Valentine 1 458

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POP RadarPOP Radar Detector Test

South of the main testing location, the GoL team set up their POP radar detector test.

Both vehicles remained parked at the same location during the duration of the test.

Each radar detector was shot five times and the results were recorded.

Ka Band POP - 67 ms MPH Enforcer
Detector Alerts

Bel RX65 4/5

Bel STi Driver 5/5

Bel V955 5/5

Cobra XRS-9830 5/5

Escort 8500 X50 2/5

Escort 9500i 5/5

KAT 500 0/5

Valentine 1 4/5

Whistler Pro 73 5/5

Whistler Pro 78 4/5

Whistler XTR-690 4/5

K Band POP - 67 ms MPH Bee III
Detector Alerts

Bel RX65 0/5

Bel STi Driver 1/5

Bel V955 0/5

Cobra XRS-9830 0/5

Escort 8500 X50 0/5

Escort 9500i 0/5
KAT 500 0/5

Valentine 1 5/5

Whistler Pro 73 3/5

Whistler Pro 78 2/5

Whistler XTR-690 2/5

K Band POP - 16 ms MPH Z-25
Detector Alerts

Bel RX65 0/5

Bel STi Driver 0/5

Bel V955 0/5

Cobra XRS-9830 0/5

Escort 8500 X50 0/5

Escort 9500i 0/5

KAT 500 0/5

Valentine 1 0/5

Whistler Pro 73 0/5

Whistler Pro 78 0/5

Whistler XTR-690 0/5

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Spectre RDD TestSpectre III Radar Detector Test

The Spectre III was utilized to test the the following radar detectors stealth capabilities, the following are the results.

Spectre III Radar Detector Test
Detector Feet at Point of Detection

Bel RX65 625

Bel STi Driver Not Detected

Bel V955 753

Cobra XRS-9830 842

Escort 8500 X50 1009

Escort 9500i 767

KAT 500 1160

Valentine 1 726

Whistler Pro 73 732

Whistler Pro 78 591

Whistler XTR-690 265

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Spectre RDD TestSpectre III Radar Detector Test

Laser Jammer TestingLaser Jamming Testing

Cones were set up at the 2000', 1000', 500' and 250' on a flat surface of roadway.

Two police officers certified in laser enforcement operated the laser guns.

The approaching vehicle was driving at the maximum posted speed limit of 45 mph.

Upon registering a speed, the officer locked the laser gun recording the speed and distance.

Aim = Aiming Point on Vehicle
HL= Headlamp
PL= Center of Mass Front
#1 = Run One
#2 = Run Two
#3 = Run Three

PPS = Pulses Per Second

Numbers indicate at what distance the vehicle was when the officer was able to lock onto the speed. JTG indicates that the jammer jammed the officer’s gun throughout the test.

Jam Code = Any Error and/or Jam Code on Laser Gun

Additional Notes: We had also received a Laser Defender from the manufacturer that was to be included in this test. This unit malfunctioned and we were unable to perform the test. We are hopeful that the manufacturer will provide a replacement, and I have invited them to attend a retest at the same location.

AntiLaser *
Gun Aim #1 #2 #3 Jam Code

LTI Ultralyte (125pps) HL JTG JTG JTG

LTI Ultralyte (125pps) PL JTG JTG JTG

LTI Ultralyte (100pps) HL JTG 669 1107

LTI Ultralyte (100pps) PL 699 732 625

LTI Marksman HL 643 JTG JTG

LTI Marksman PL JTG JTG 232

Kustom Prolaser III HL JTG JTG JTG

Kustom Prolaser III PL JTG JTG JTG

Kustom Prolaser III HL 321 796 1124

Kustom Prolaser III PL 120 966 250

Kustom ProLite HL JTG JTG JTG

Kustom ProLite P: JTG JTG JTG

Stalker LZ-1 HL JTG JTG JTG E04

Stalker LZ-1 PL JTG JTG JTG E04

Laser Atlanta HL 150 802 282 JA3

Laser Atlanta PL JTG JTG JTG JA3

Laser Atlanta Stealth Mode HL 281 1823 176 JA3

Laser Atlanta Stealth Mode PL 1292 JTG JTG JA3

Blinder M40
Gun Aim #1 #2 #3 Jam Code

LTI Ultralyte (125pps) HL 855 937 859

LTI Ultralyte (125pps) PL JTG JTG JTG

LTI Ultralyte (100pps) HL 164 476 486

LTI Ultralyte (100pps) PL JTG JTG JTG

LTI Marksman HL JTG JTG 253

LTI Marksman PL JTG JTG 321

Kustom Prolaser III HL 210 895 JTG

Kustom Prolaser III PL JTG JTG JTG

Kustom Prolaser II HL JTG 807 1479

Kustom Prolaser II PL JTG JTG JTG

Kustom ProLite HL 1198 1294 1297

Kustom ProLite P 461 JTG 670

Stalker LZ-1 HL 266 525 605 E04

Stalker LZ-1 PL 1749 JTG JTG E04

Laser Atlanta HL 421 688 159 JA3

Laser Atlanta PL JTG JTG JTG JA3

Laser Atlanta Stealth Mode HL 407 370 353 JA3

Laser Atlanta Stealth Mode PL JTG JTG JTG JA3

Escort Shifter ZR3
Gun Aim #1 #2 #3 Jam Code

LTI Ultralyte (125pps) HL 1028 862 1013

LTI Ultralyte (125pps) PL 468 611 443

LTI Ultralyte (100pps) HL JTG JTG JTG

LTI Ultralyte (100pps) PL 622 427 211

LTI Marksman HL 139 651 145

LTI Marksman P 178 JTG 211

Kustom Prolaser III HL JTG JTG 113

Kustom Prolaser III PL JTG 146 JTG

Kustom Prolaser II HL JTG 77 JTG

Kustom Prolaser II PL 124 JTG 55

Kustom ProLite HL 1019 948 1338

Kustom ProLite PL 811 765 939

Stalker LZ-1 HL 1426 1387 1358 E04

Stalker LZ-1 PL 1373 149 1171 E04

Laser Atlanta HL 75 116 76 JA3

Laser Atlanta PL 61 112 JTG JA3

Laser Atlanta Stealth Mode HL -- -- -- No Alert or Jam

Laser Atlanta Stealth Mode PL -- -- -- No Alert or Jam

Laser Interceptor (Prototype)
Gun Aim #1 #2 #3 Jam Code

LTI Ultralyte (125pps) HL JTG JTG 570

LTI Ultralyte (125pps) PL JTG JTG JTG

LTI Ultralyte (100pps) HL JTG JTG JTG

LTI Ultralyte (100pps) PL JTG JTG JTG



Kustom Prolaser III HL JTG JTG 632

Kustom Prolaser III PL JTG JTG JTG

Kustom Prolaser II HL JTG JTG JTG

Kustom Prolaser II PL JTG JTG JTG

Kustom ProLite HL 715 JTG JTG

Kustom ProLite PL JTG JTG JTG

Stalker LZ-1 HL JTG JTG JTG E04

Stalker LZ-1 PL 1056 499 535 E04

Laser Atlanta HL JTG JTG JTG JA3

Laser Atlanta PL JTG JTG JTG JA3

Laser Atlanta Stealth Mode HL JTG JTG JTG JA3

Laser Atlanta Stealth Mode PL JTG JTG JTG JA3

Laser Pro Park *
Gun Aim #1 #2 #3 Jam Code

LTI Ultralyte (125pps) HL 150 210 193

LTI Ultralyte (125pps) PL JTG 175 166

LTI Ultralyte (100pps) HL -- -- -- No Alert/Jam

LTI Ultralyte (100pps) PL -- -- -- No Alert/Jam

LTI Marksman HL 145 JTG JTG

LTI Marksman PL 96 141 105

Kustom Prolaser III HL 100 JTG JTG

Kustom Prolaser III PL 110 53 73

Kustom Prolaser II HL 85 111 164

Kustom Prolaser II PL 52 55 88

Kustom ProLite HL 128 144 145

Kustom ProLite PL 146 104 86

Stalker LZ-1 HL JTG 84 JTG E04

Stalker LZ-1 PL JTG JTG JTG E04

Laser Atlanta HL 177 892 595 JA3

Laser Atlanta PL 644 1976 927 JA3

Laser Atlanta Stealth Mode HL 249 JTG 176 JA3

Laser Atlanta Stealth Mode PL JTG JTG 147 JA3

* The AntiLaser and Laser Pro Park are manufactured and sold overseas. Blinder alleges that both of these products violate their US patent; therefore, no known established US distributors are selling this product. Also, it is unknown if either company has product liability insurance for these products.

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Worst Case Scenario Laser Jammer Test

The GoL team set up what I thought would be an impossible feat: setting up the front of my Renegade motor home with four jammer heads in an attempt to jam the laser gun.

The Laser Interceptor team from Croatia provided four of their prototype class 1M active laser jammer heads for the front of my coach.

Above the main cab, the sleeper is highly polished aluminum, a perfect place to aim any laser gun and expect a hit at over 3000 feet away.

The front grill is chrome and there are two huge headlamps on each side. The GoL team installed the "prototype" and wagers were taken by participants on the punch through distance that our police officer could score a hit.

The minimum wager was 200 feet, the longest, 2500 feet.

No one expected "Jam to Gun".

“Racer X" from the GoL team jumped in as my navigator and we took off our starting point, one mile north of our test location.

As soon as we turned the 45 foot rig around and faced off with the GoL members and the officer targeting us with the deadly Stalker laser gun, the Laser Interceptor and our visor mounted Beltronics STi was alerting full tilt.

We got the rig up to speed in twelfth gear at 50 mph as we approached and then passed a cheering audience, JAM TO GUN!

This test was performed with the Laser Atlanta, LTI 125 and ProLaser III. The Coach was also shot with multiple guns simultaneously.

The Renegade Jammed to Gun on each pass until the grand finale where they used three laser guns simultaneously and a punch through at 1200 feet was recorded!

Ka Band 35.5 - Kustom Gloden Eagle
Detector Feet

Bel RX65 832

Bel RX55 698

Bel STi Driver #1 922

Bel STi Driver #2 925

Bel V955 779

Cobra XRS-9830 775

Escort 8500 #1 833

Escort 8500 #2 946

Escort 9500 #1 896

Escort 9500 #2 894

Escort SR7 1061

KAT 500 617

Valentine 1 #1 1041

Valentine 1 #2 1011

Valentine 1 #3 1015

Whistler Pro 73 632

Whistler Pro 78 747

Whistler XTR-690 753

Ka Band 34.7 - Stalker ATR
Detector Feet

Bel RX65 1221

Bel RX55 896

Bel STi Driver #1 1256

Bel STi Driver #2 1169

Bel V955 1162

Cobra XRS-9830 881

Escort 8500 #1 1209

Escort 8500 #2 1194

Escort 9500 #1 1044

Escort 9500 #2 1090

Escort SR7 1226

KAT 500 776

Valentine 1 #1 1106

Valentine 1 #2 1166

Valentine 1 #3 1105

Whistler Pro 73 720

Whistler Pro 78 1027

Whistler XTR-690 1040

Ka Band 33.8 - MPH Enforcer
Detector Feet

Bel RX65 715

Bel RX55 774

Bel STi Driver #1 717

Bel STi Driver #2 404

Bel V955 963

Cobra XRS-9830 816

Escort 8500 #1 986

Escort 8500 #2 841

Escort 9500 #1 1064

Escort 9500 #2 1119

Escort SR7 950

KAT 500 713

Valentine 1 #1 1144

Valentine 1 #2 1109

Valentine 1 #3 1070

Whistler Pro 73 675

Whistler Pro 78 779

Whistler XTR-690 910

K Band - Decatur GHS
Detector Feet

Bel RX65 879

Bel RX55 748

Bel STi Driver #1 909

Bel STi Driver #2 898

Bel V955 957

Cobra XRS-9830 700

Escort 8500 #1 830

Escort 8500 #2 938

Escort 9500 #1 840

Escort 9500 #2 802

Escort SR7 850

KAT 500 667

Valentine 1 #1 1004

Valentine 1 #2 1063

Valentine 1 #3 991

Whistler Pro 73 836

Whistler Pro 78 709

Whistler XTR-690 737

X Band - MPH K-15
Detector Feet

Bel RX65 1204

Bel RX55 (not tested)

Bel STi Driver #1 1291

Bel STi Driver #2 1327

Bel V955 1199

Cobra XRS-9830 726

Escort 8500 #1 1156

Escort 8500 #2 1257

Escort 9500 #1 1225

Escort 9500 #2 1254

Escort SR7 1021

KAT 500 1075

Valentine 1 #1 1403

Valentine 1 #2 1648

Valentine 1 #3 1427

Whistler Pro 73 1278

Whistler Pro 78 1081

Whistler XTR-690 1070

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GoL Radar Detector TestThanks to the GoL Team!

My thanks to the "GoL Team" for their hard work and dedication during this event, even during the stressful moments.

Also, a big thank you to the various manufacturers that came out with their goodies.

They all endured three days of the hot Arizona sun, one rattle snake, my cooking, and another website competitor who visited the site, in a vain attempt to disrupt and discredit the test.

But even with these hardships they all endured and provided a top radar detector and laser jammer venue!

Thanks Guys.....

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About Radar Roy

Radar RoyThis site is owned and managed by "Radar Roy," a retired police officer and certified traffic radar instructor, who is considered a leading expert in the speed counter measurement industry.

To learn more about Roy, read his radar detector reviews or download his free radar detector eBook click here.

Return Policy

Dash Mounted Radar Detectors, Accessories, Mounting Systems: These products come with our 30-day money back guarantee provided that they are returned in resalable condition. This requires that all parts, accessories, warranty cards and packaging are returned.

Installed Products: Any radar detector/laser jammer product that requires installation is exempt from our 30-day return policy if the product is removed from the packaging and/or if the buyer installs and/or attempts to install the product on a vehicle it becomes a nonreturnable product.

This exception includes all laser jammers, installed radar detectors, and the Veil Stealth Coating.