I’m sure that you’ve heard about Google’s driverless car by now but what you may not know is that Elton Musk from Tesla recently stated that in 2015 his cars will be “90 percent capable” of autonomous driving".
The backbone of these adaptive cruise control and collision avoidance systems is radar and/or laser, which the car manufactures began integrating into their cars a few years ago.
The problem for those owning and/or purchasing a radar detector is that most of them don’t adequately filter them out and subsequently we turn them off, rather then being annoyed from the constant bombardment of false alerts.
Blame it on the Car Manufactures
Most of the radar detector manufactures place blame squarely on the backs of the car manufactures.
As an example this is what Andy Kaufman the director of Valentine One had to say during an interview:
Your radar detector is looking for police radar on specific bands. It is simple for the automaker to locate their frequencies far away and not interfere, but most do not care and many have placed theirs in the middle of the K-Band, the worst possible place.”
Is Digital Signal Processing the Answer?
Instead of playing the blame game the engineers over at Escort have come up with a solution to the problem called Digital Signal Processing (DSL).
NASA first introduced this DSL technology so they could communicate with their space probes traveling through deep space.
Here is how it works.
The incoming analog radar signal is digitized and then a mathematical algorithm is used to look for the DNA of a police radar signal and then separates it out from all the background noise.
Escort then patented this new technology and introduced it into their new Passport radar detectors.
The result is a radar detector that can detect real police radar further away while also filtering out most of those pesky false alerts.
Escort vs. Valentine One
Car and Driver
Car and Driver magazine did a comprehensive comparison test of the
Escort Max and the Valentine One for their January 2014 issue.
Here is what they had to say about the Valentine One:
“One annoyance is incessant false alarms—the Valentine’s filtering isn’t very effective. On our 22-mile loop, the V1 called out 53 threats in its most selective mode, which reduces but doesn’t eliminate X-band alerts. Turning off X-band is an involved process that you wouldn’t bother with on an interstate exit ramp. Determining what’s a cop and what’s not is left to the driver…”
And here is what they had to say about the Max:
“Passport uses a new type of digital signal processing (DSP), which can reduce false alarms from some non-police-radar sources. Think of DSP as a pair of Bose noise-canceling headphones for radar reporting. By reliably identifying noise, the Escort Passport Max can focus on real police-radar threats, leading to faster and more accurate warnings.”
Win Back Your Freedom and Enjoyment of the Open Road
Yes, this DSL technology is a little more of an investment.
But isn’t it worth not having to listen to the constant chatter and having the piece of mind knowing that when your detector does alert, its to a real police threat and not the car beside you?
About Radar Busters
This site is family owned and founded by "Radar Roy," a retired police officer and certified traffic radar instructor, who is considered a leading expert in the speed counter measurement industry.
To learn more about Roy, read our radar detector reviews, or download our free radar detector eBook click here.